- Frequently Asked Questions
What are the new debt collection laws in 2023?

It is possible that new debt collection laws or regulations may be introduced in the future. For example, in the United States, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been considering updates to the rules governing debt collection practices, which were revised in 2020. These updates, if implemented, could have significant implications for businesses engaged in debt collection. However, it is currently unclear when or if these updates will be finalized and take effect.
If you have specific questions about debt collection laws or regulations that may apply to your business, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced attorney or commercial debt collection professional in your jurisdiction. Melton Norcross & Associates are licensed in most states and can assist you with your state’s collection laws and recover your business’s past-due account receivables. As well experienced industry expert, Melton Norcross & Associates provides guidance on how to comply with current laws and regulations and keeps you informed of any changes that may be forthcoming, and provide professional commercial debt collection services to save you time and expense on recovering your past due receivables.

About Melton Norcross & Associates
Melton Norcross & Associates LLC is a commercial debt recovery firm based in Frisco, Texas. We offer comprehensive collection services to recover your past-due account receivables, freeing you from the hassle of collections internally. Schedule a free consultation and price quote today.
We represent a multitude of clients across many different industries, however, our specialty is the OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY.
Melton Norcross & Associates is a full-service Texas debt collection agency with over 30 successful years in the industry. We specialize in turning our clients’ delinquent receivables into a positive cash flow for their business. As an industry-leading commercial debt collection firm, we’re confident that we show results that would be difficult for any new client to refuse – we will collect your delinquent receivables at the same great rate that we offer our best clients!
Our unyielding objective is to service our clients with the best possible commercial collection services at the lowest possible rates while maintaining a professional and efficient long-term partnership that honors integrity and honesty.
CALL US today for a confidential no-obligation recovery consultation.
Collect Your Past Due Receivables
When past due receivables are allowed to go on unchecked, they can hurt the cash flow of a business and even lead to closure due to unprofitable operations. Outsourcing debt collection operations helps to keep businesses alive by preventing the occurrence of bad debts, dysfunctional business relationships, and time wastage on payment re-negotiations.
It is less costly and a better return on investment to hire a commercial collection agency than risk taking massive losses from non paying clients. Remove the stress and financial risk of trying to perform collections in house and instead outsource your collections to a commercial collection agency and streamline the operations of your business.
Do you have a business client that is more than 90 days late paying you?
If YES, we can collect the money that is owed to you.
As a professional commercial debt collection agency based in Frisco, Texas, Melton Norcross and Associates specializes in helping OIL & GAS OPERATORS collect past-due receivables from their service providers throughout the US, Canada, and the Middle East.